As a Chairperson you will provide the vision, leadership, communication and planning skills to develop the club for the benefit of all. You will run the committee and be responsible for the liaison and cooperation between club officers and sub committees.
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Experienced in leading / managing a team;
  • Confident and good at communicating;
  • Diplomatic and discreet;
  • Passionate about the club and its ethos;
  • Well-organised.
What you will do:
  • Form a team around you so that all the officer and committee positions are filled;
  • Provide leadership to your team on all aspects of the club from training, welfare and social activities;
  • Arrange and chair management committee meetings, emergency committee meetings and special/annual general meetings;
  • Ensure that the club is able to adapt to meet the needs of the members;
  • Lead the creation of your club development plans;
  • Prepare the annual general report with the support of the club secretary.
  • Ensure an inclusive approach throughout to ensure no one individual or group is discriminated against.
How much time will it take?
This role in most cases will take about 3 to 4 hours per week
What you'll get out of it:
As the club's leader, you'll have a direct hand in the development of the club - it can be a demanding role, but is also incredibly rewarding.

Club Secretary
The Club Secretary provides a central point of contact for England Athletics administration, information and communication as well as third party associates and external organisations.
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Enthusiastic with a good knowledge of the club and people within it.
  • Be an excellent communicator with good verbal, written and IT skills.
  • Have good administration skills, including word-processing and minute-taking.
  • Have excellent organisational skills.
  • Have the ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • Have the ability to work in partnership with others, both inside and outside the club.
  • Have the confidence to represent the club at external meetings.
What you will do:
  • To act as a main point of contact for the club, maintain records and information in relation to queries, all administration and communications.
  • To deal with the day-to-day running of the club including all internal and external correspondence.
  • To ensure that the Club is registered with Race Organisers.
  • To organise committee meetings and AGMs, prepare agendas, take minutes, and distribute and communicate these as appropriate.
  • To liaise with other club committee members to ensure all appropriate administration is in place.
  • To have a knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other club committee members.
  • To ensure that the Club is register with England Athletics
  • To ensure that the Club adheres to the England Athletic rules and guidelines and alerts the Club Committee of changes that require review
  • To ensure that the Club London Marathon ballot place is secured
How much time will it take?
This will vary from club to club, but will include ongoing weekly responsibilities, particularly in dealing with correspondence.
What you'll get out of it:
Being part of a team in establishing and maintaining a thriving local running club.

The Treasurer of the club is responsible for producing and managing the club's accounts and finances and will be responsible for all income and expenditure for the club. Benefits of the role including being able to contribute to a well-managed and governed club and to have the potential to grow and develop the club's finances. The Treasurer should report to the Club Chairperson. Ideally you will need to be:
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Enthusiastic with a good knowledge of the club and its financial position.
  • Have a financial background and good knowledge of managing and producing accounts.
  • Have a knowledge of using and producing accounting spreadsheets or other accounting systems.
  • Be reliable and honest.
  • Have a knowledge of various banking systems such as direct debit.
What you will do:
  • Be responsible for all club finances by ensuring adequate accounts and records exist
  • Plan the annual budget in agreement with the club committee and to monitor throughout the year
  • Provide updated current account information at the Club Committee Meetings
  • Prepare end-of-year accounts and present to the Auditor, Management Committee and AGM.
  • Ensure that all funds are used appropriately and banked promptly
  • To plan floats with members who would need to collect or pay out cash and make them aware of procedures.
  • To maintain up-to-date records of all transactions and records of income and expenditure.
Level of commitment required
This will vary depending on the size of the club, but will include attendance at club meetings, and ongoing budget and financial responsibilities.
Additional Information
Club finances

Cash Management/Records

All transactions should be recorded regularly on an electronic accounting system or spreadsheet.

For each transaction entered, you should record:

  • Date of entry.
  • Reference number for that entry - this number should also be written on any invoice or expense form for cross-referencing.
  • Person you are paying/who you have received payment from.
  • Cheque number (for payments by the club) or receipt number (for receipts issued).
  • Details of the transaction, i.e. coaching fees, membership, interest.

At the end of each month, the figures recorded should be checked against bank statements. You should also summarise what the club owes (the club's creditors) and what money is owed to the club (the club's debtors).

Transactions can be recorded manually through a cash book, although this may take time and requires manual calculation. Electronic spreadsheets are generally quicker, more accurate to use and can be emailed through to other club members if required. Care needs to be taken in setting the calculations up on a spreadsheet to ensure accuracy.

At the end of the club's financial year, clubs should have accounts audited by an independent and professional person (an auditor). If the club is a limited company, it must have a registered auditor who produces a report under the requirements of the Companies Act.


Details of receipts should always be recorded. These are often the same as those identified in the income side of the club's budget. Receipts are entered in up to three places, depending on the amount of detail your club works upon. Receipts are entered in the amount column, under its income type, and in the banked column when banked. Often the banked figure will be an accumulation of all money received since the banking was last carried out. Listing individual amounts by banking date gives the opportunity for cross-checking to be carried out.

All receipts should be tallied at the end of each month. Monthly totals are accumulated to give a record of receipts for the year-to-date. Where quarterly reports are required, it may be more efficient to calculate cumulative figures month-by-month for each quarter, rather than by doing it for the entire year.

It should be noted that MRC does not have a large number of transactions to manage as such whilst the items above may appear onerous they are actually not very time consuming to reconcile due to the clubs size and low level income/outgoings.

Membership Secretary
A community club is nothing without its members. That's why this role is so important. You'll not only manage existing memberships, but actively encourage new ones and deal first hand with the members themselves.
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Well organised;
  • Friendly and approachable;
  • Have good attention to detail;
  • Good with numbers;
  • IT literate (especially in the use of Excel and/or databases).
What you will do:
  • Manage everything to do with memberships, including types, subscriptions and renewals;
  • Take the lead on promoting new membership;
  • Keep the membership database up to date;
  • Ensure membership fees are paid and records kept;
  • Send information and fees for registered members to England Athletics;
  • Provide the Committee with information on members;
  • Ensure any medical conditions that have been raised through membership forms as passed on to Run Leaders on a need to know basis.
  • Ensure any disabled members that have provided information through membership forms have the opportunity to discuss additional support and information is passed on to relevant Run Leaders on a need to know basis if appropriate
How much time will it take?
This role in most cases takes a maximum of 1 hour per week, mainly evenings- although will take significant additional time around club membership renewals time - possibly as high as 3 to 4 hours a week.
What you'll get out of it:
You'll meet a wide range of people with a passion for Athletics. It is a socially rewarding post to hold and you'll get a lot of satisfaction as numbers increase.

Kit Secretary
In this role you will ensure that the Club Merchandise meets the needs of the Members and is sourced appropriately and where possible funded as cost effectively as possible.
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Organised;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Knowledge of kit/equipment required;
  • Self starter
What you will do:
  • Liaise with Suppliers to source kit
  • Liaise with Membership Secretary to manage orders
  • Liaise with Treasurer to ensure payments have been received prior to issuing kit
  • Maintain database of kit issued
  • Issue kit in a timely fashion
  • Identify new options for MRC kit/merchandiseHow much time will it take?
How much time will it take?
This role typically requires 1 hour per week depending upon new orders/replacements that need ordering or delivering.
What you'll get out of it:
An opportunity to meet new people, develop the Clubs range of kit and increase revenue to enable the Club to purchase additional items (such as club bibs etc).
This is not a formal Committee Role and does not require formally voting on in terms of tenure. The Kit Secretary however is encouraged to join Committee Meetings and contribute.

Welfare Secretary
A supportive and positive environment in which our members can enjoy running safely is vital. You'll provide leadership in the safeguarding for all, in particular vulnerable adults within the club and act as a key point of contact for anyone needing to support or guidance. You will also need to maintain relationships with the UK Athletics welfare team. You'll report to the club committee.
Ideally, you'll need to be:
  • Empathetic and most importantly approachable;
  • Objective but understanding;
  • Attentive to detail;
  • Resilient and determined;
  • Rationale and not quick to jump to conclusions;
What you will do:
  • Implement the clubs Welfare Policy and Procedures;
  • Make sure everyone understands the UKA or England Athletics Accredited Clubs (Clubmark) Codes of Conduct;
  • Be visible and approachable to all club members and post your contact details on club notice boards, the club website, in your club welcome pack and in newsletters;
  • Ensure that all safeguarding issues and incidents are reported promptly to UKA;
How much time will it take?
This role in most cases takes up very limited time, it's important that as a welfare officer you are seen at the club and people know who you are. Where issues arise it is important that you can give it your full attention, this may take up further time - but hopefully is very rare (if at all).
What you'll get out of it:
An opportunity to meet new people, help ensure that the Club maintains (and develops) a welfare policy that ensures a supportive, friendly and safe environment for its members.